Upper School and Community College
Academic excellence Shared values Outstanding education
There is the opportunity to take part in a variety of visits, field
trips and conferences at home and abroad.
Some of these are subject specific but many are open to all.
Students following vocational courses will have the
opportunity of related work experience (where relevant).
There is also the chance for language students to take part
in foreign exchanges. Arrangements are made to enable
students to attend higher education fairs and individual
university and college open days.
Particular attention is given to providing full information about
job opportunities and higher education. In addition,
opportunities will be given to prepare for the next stage of
education and training by practice interviews, visits to
colleges and universities and careers interviews.
Every student is given individual targets based on
performance lower down the school and their GCSE results.
We monitor each student to ensure they are achieving their
As well as an experienced team of year staff and form tutors,
Redborne is fortunate to have a careers advisor and
counsellor based in the school. We liaise with outside
agencies whose specialist knowledge and advice is easily
accessible to all our students.
Redborne has excellent links with local employers and
universities across the country. We are therefore able to offer
excellent advice in terms of university courses or
employment prospects.
Supporting Our Students in the
Sixth Form