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Redborne Upper School

Redborne Upper School

& Community College

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Funding

Nikki Brennan-Assistant headteacher-pupil premium students

Sheila Grove: Pupil Premium support 

Tasha Davis: Graduate tutor

George Garnham: Graduate tutor

Rosie Paterson-Spir: Graduate tutor

The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as 'Ever 6 FSM'); it is also provided for all looked after children (LAC) and children in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.

It is for individual schools to use the pupil premium grant, which is additional to main school funding, as they see fit. However, the primary aim must be to close the attainment gap between students in receipt of the pupil premium and their non-pupil premium peers and thus address current underlying inequalities.

At Redborne Upper School, we believe every student deserves the best possible educational experience with the best possible achievement outcomes.  Therefore, we are committed to reducing the progress and performance gaps between students from differing socio-economic backgrounds.

Our ethos is based on building positive relationships with our students and their families. In this way we focus on what is needed for each individual student, which may be different to what is needed by another. 

Key Priorities

Our core aim is to raise the attainment and progress of students eligible for pupil premium funding so that their progress is comparable to non-pupil premium peers nationally. The most effective way to do this is with high quality teaching in each and every lesson and this remains a consistent focus at Redborne. In addition to this, targeted intervention and support strategies are used in order to:

  • Improve attendance to both school and lessons-without this, students will be far less likely to achieve their target grade;
  • Improve levels of attainment and progress relative to national averages;
  • Develop oracy, literacy and numeracy skills;
  • Subsidise enriching experiences that disadvantaged students might otherwise miss;
  • Provide an out of hours study club, using trained sixth form mentors, to support learning outside of lessons;
  • Have a clear focus on all disadvantaged students, including those with SEND to support all students in becoming aspirational, confident and successful learners

Developments for 2023/24

The following areas of focus have been planned. We are confident these strategies will continue to raise achievement and improve the life chances for our pupil premium students.

  • Improve the attendance of disadvantaged students.
  • Using 3 graduate tutors, provide one to one or small group support in English and maths for disadvantaged students.
  • Provide a bespoke provision for disadvantaged students who cannot access school or lessons owing to anxiety and other SEMH issues. This flexing of what we offer is done on a case by case basis; is not for all but is there to ensure students can attend school despite having barriers to learning.
  • Continue to maintain and develop the quality of teaching and learning across school to ensure consistently high standards across all lessons.
  • Improving the progress of pupil premium boys in English.
  • Improving the oracy and literacy skills of our disadvantaged students to ensure they can access all areas of the curriculum.
  • Employing a full time officer to support the attendance of our disadvantaged students.  
  • Regularly review the curriculum  for disadvantaged students to provide a broad and balanced offer that prepares them for life beyond Redborne.
  • Improve attendance of parent/carers of disadvantaged students at all school events.

How much PP to be received for 2023-24

Pupil Premium money to be received this year 2023/24 - £124 200

Contact Us

Flitwick Road, Ampthill,
MK45 2NU

01525 404462